Welcome at the CELASC Prague 2023 website

Invitation Letter____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Dear colleagues, dear friends,
We would like most sincerely to invite you to the 1st Central-East European Laboratory Animal Science Congress, which will be held in the CUBEX Centre Prague, Czech Republic, on 30th May – 1st June, 2023.
The congress is organized by Central-East European FELASA member associations: ARSAL (Romania), Balt-LASA (Baltic States), CLASA (Czech Republic), CroLASA (Croatia), GALAS (Georgia), HLASA (Hungary), HSBLAS (Greece), ILAF (Israel), and PolLASA (Poland).
CELASC goal is to create a meeting that will reflect our local laboratory animal science (LAS) needs in Europe and beyond, enhance the culture of care in our national research communities and facilitate the continuing education of our members.
CELASC also represents our common interests in the furtherance of all aspects of LAS and advocates responsible scientific conduct with animals in the life sciences with particular emphasis on ensuring animal welfare.
We look forward to welcoming you to Prague and hope you will find the meeting beneficial and enjoyable.
- Cristin Coman (ARSAL president)
- Daiva Baltriukiene (Balt-LASA president)
- Jan Honetschläger (CLASA president)
- Dasa Seveljevic-Jaran (CroLASA president)
- Karen Mulkijanyan (GALAS president)
- Erdelyi Ferenc (HLASA vice president)
- Vasileios Ntafis (HSBLAS president)
- Amir Rosner (ILAF president)
- Krzysztof Wasowicz (PolLASA president)
- Anastasia Tsingotjidou (HSBLAS vice-president)
Co-organizing Associations